Orders will be processed upon receipt of payment.
All goods are packed in good condition however kiddyzcorner is NOT liable for goods lost or damage during delivery.
We have ready stocks for most of the items listed in kiddyzcorner.
Combine Shipment
We will be glad to combine shipment of goods for you to reduce the overall shipping cost.
West Malaysia
Pos Laju/Pos Ekspres - RM6.00
Unless the postage costs more than RM6.00, customer will be advised accordingly
East Malaysia
Pos Ekspres - RM6.00
Pos Laju (For parcel less than 500gm) - RM9.00
Pos Laju (For parcel more than 500 gm) - customer will be advised accordingly.
Upon receiving goods from us, please notify us if any error has been made.
A replacement will be made if an error incurred by us.
Good(s) sold are not exchangeable or refundable.